
Friday, August 4, 2023

Inner Child Energetic Wound Healer, Crystal Healing Teacher & Soul Healing Writer Damla Aktekin

Welcome to a new edition of the Famous Interviews with Joe Dimino series .. On this episode, we talk with Inner Child Energetic Wound Healer, Crystal Healing Teacher & Soul Healing Writer Damla Aktekin .. She helps other self-healers and healers move beyond the energetic wounds of their inner children and shine brighter than they thought possible so that they can fully show up in their lives to heal themselves, their families, and their soul-tribe. Through her own healing journey, she discovered a unique way to approach crystal healing which is based on cultivating a loving, co-creative, and respectful relationship with crystals that activates their limitless healing potential.  She is the author of life-changing daily practice journals, creator of the Chakra Bliss Vault Crystal Healing Membership, and the host of the Conversations With Healers Podcast. Enjoy this Interview ..  

More on Damla - https://programs.adropofom.com/press-and-media

Theme Music by E.E. Pointer "The Zen Trumpeter":

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