
Thursday, April 4, 2024

Intersectional Polymath with an Entrepreneurial Spirit Malumir Logan

Welcome to a new edition of the Famous Interviews with Joe Dimino series .. On this episode, we talk with Intersectional Polymath with an Entrepreneurial Spirit Malumir Logan .. She is an anti-oppressive, trauma-informed leader; systems thinker; writer of creative non-fiction, poetry, blog posts and short stories; Tarot Creatrix; Reiki Master; intersectional woman (ambiguously racialized, multiple neurodivergence, recent disability) looking to inspire expansiveness for the systemically excluded. Essentially, she is seasoned leader with two decades of experience in strategic and operational expertise and a published author in public sector innovation. Full of great stories. Dig in.

More on Malumir - https://acornandburdock.ca/ 

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