
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Author, Coach & Co-founder/Chief Purpose Officer at PurposeU & Blueprint Business Architecture Ian Chamandy

Welcome to a new edition of the Famous Interviews with Joe Dimino series .. On this episode, we talk with Author, Coach & Co-founder/Chief Purpose Officer at PurposeU & Blueprint Business Architecture Ian Chamandy .. Over the last 20 years, Ian has helped more than 400 organizations define their purpose and become consistently uniquely remarkable through his proprietary Blueprint process. "Blueprinting" defines an organization's purpose – in 7 words or less – and uses it to design how it will operate and communicate. Ian has adapted this process for individuals so they can create a personal Blueprint for a happy, productive, self-directed and purpose-driven life. Dig this story.

More on Ian - http://www.purposeu.co/ 

For More Famous Interviews:

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