Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Author, Singer, Songwriter, Recording Artist & Speaker Frances Drost

Welcome to a new edition of the Famous Interviews with Joe Dimino series .. On this episode, we talk with Author, Singer, Songwriter, Recording Artist & Speaker Frances Drost .. This award-winning artist writes notes that shape our lives. She began her own company, “Musical Creations” as a way to encourage people on their journey through life. Take years of life experiences distilled into “three-minute messages” of lyric and melody, interwoven with story-telling in between and you get the unique ministry of Frances. Her latest book, “Portraits of White: Hope and Inspiration for Those Who Struggle with the Holidays”, is a sanctuary of solace and understanding for those who have felt the weight of holiday emotions, and the picture of a hopeful journey toward second chances and magical new beginnings. She has a fascinating story. Enjoy.

More on Frances - https://www.francesdrost.com/ 

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