
Saturday, June 15, 2024

Author, Spiritual Success Coach & Vibrational Mentor Ramona Galey

Welcome to a new edition of the Famous Interviews with Joe Dimino series .. On this episode, we talk with Author, Spiritual Success Coach & Vibrational Mentor Ramona Galey .. She is is the founder of HeartSet Academy and The Alignment Circle Mastermind, which she facilitates with her spirit guides called Opra. She helps self-starters leverage their personal assets into success, even if they think they don’t have any assets. Her clients and readers learn to use their inner guidance in a way that produces success, satisfaction, and connection every time, no matter who is using it, no matter what their circumstances are. Ramona is passionate about empowering people to focus on what they truly want, to pursue their own inspiring dreams, and to not be held back by old patterns and limiting beliefs. She credits these skills and this information with saving her life 10 years ago. Dig this gripping tale.

More on Ramona - https://www.ramonagaley.com/

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