
Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Certified Franchise Expert Max Emma

Welcome to a new edition of the Famous Interviews with Joe Dimino series .. On this episode, we talk with Certified Franchise Expert Max Emma .. He has extensive experience in franchising ranging from providing bookkeeping services to over 100 franchise brands in the US to creating and growing his own Bookkeeping Franchise brand called BooXkeeping to providing franchise consulting to individuals who either want to franchise their business or to buy an existing franchise. As an immigrant coming from the former Soviet Union almost 32 years ago, Max has come a long way from learning English using his own "know-how" to graduating with honors and working for corporate America. 22 years ago Max left the corporate world, became an entrepreneur, and has never looked back. Enjoy his story.

More on Max - http://www.booxkeepingfranchise.com/

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