
Friday, August 9, 2024

Entrepreneur & Founder of Moonpads Meg Ferrigno

Welcome to a new edition of the Famous Interviews with Joe Dimino series .. On this episode, we talk with Entrepreneur & Founder of Moonpads Meg Ferrigno .. Like most great things, MoonPads was born out of a mistake. In 2019 their partner non-profit, The Pureland Project was conducting a program in Tibet to address widespread gender inequities that were identified from decades of work with Tibetan and foreign midwives. They reported that 95% of Tibetan nomadic women surveyed had preventable diseases associated with the lack of menstrual hygiene products, including underpants. Out of a sense of urgency, the team began buying and distributing the panties and pads that were available in the stores in towns, taking truckloads out to the plateau and distributing the supplies to nomads, educating them about how to care for oneself during menstruation. She’s got a wonderful heart and the mission is thriving. Enjoy this story.

More on Meg - https://www.moonpads.org/ 

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