Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Author, EFT Practitioner & Seasoned Psychotherapist Allison Jayne Ewing

Welcome to a new edition of the Famous Interviews with Joe Dimino series .. On this episode, we talk with Author, EFT Practitioner & Seasoned Psychotherapist Allison Jayne Ewing .. After experiencing a divorce herself, she decided to focus on helping other midlife women find healthy available single men who will love and adore them. She works using a powerful tool called EFT tapping to have women clear all blocks to successful dating, and open up to the excitement of falling in love again. Her recently published book "Find Love Again: Learn to Date Like a Goddess", is a guide to igniting that inner goddess and finding the man of your dreams. We cover some solid ground. Enjoy this interview.

More on Allison Jayne -

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