Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Author Dana S. Diaz on her New 2024 Book Choking on Shame

Welcome to a new edition of the Famous Interviews with Joe Dimino series .. On this episode, we talk with Author Dana S. Diaz on her New 2024 Book. Choking on Shame: The Scapegoat Child in a Narcissistic Family is the long-awaited prequel to Gasping for Air: The Stranglehold of Narcissistic Abuse. With the release of the second book in my narcissistic abuse trilogy, she gets into the abuse she experienced as a child of two narcissistic parents who hadn't wanted her. It serves as the answer to readers' questions about how one becomes susceptible to abusive adult relationships. Although not always the case, many of us unconsciously perpetuate generational trauma. Strangely, she always inherently knew that the abuse she experienced in my childhood was wrong. We continue the story.

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