Welcome to a new edition of the Neon Jazz interview series with pianist, composer, touring and recording artist, and educator Josh Nelson .. From the land of sunshine and beautiful people in Southern California , Josh is busy promoting his latest album called ‘Exploring Mars’ and he is doing this with a brilliant and inventive multimedia presentation .. Over t
he course of our conversation, we talked about his music-rich upbringing, how he landed on the piano, his training, travelling with Natalie Cole and what the future may hold for him, along with much more ..
Click here to listen to the interview.
Neon Jazz is a radio program airing since 2011. Hosted by Joe Dimino and Engineered by John Christoper in Kansas City, Missouri giving listeners a journey into one of America's finest inventions. Take a listen on KCXL (102.9 FM / 1140 AM) out of Liberty, MO on Saturday Mornings from 7:00 - 9:00 a.m. and Sunday Mornings from 6:00 – 7:00 a.m. Listen to KCXL on Tunein Radio at
http://tunein.com/radio/Neon-Jazz-With-Joe-Dimino-p381685/. For all things Neon Jazz, visit