ic incorporating elements from the ''Speak Easy Era'' with an added contemporary urban edge. The pair stay very busy, she is set to release her new EP in the Summer of 2015 followed by a North American, UK and European tour – and Rickey is busy as the pianist on Madonna's Rebel Heart Tour .. During the course of our interview, the couple discussed a wide range of topics touching on their past in Montreal, their projects today and their dreams for a full independent future of creating their own music ..
Click here to listen to the interview.
Neon Jazz is a radio program airing since 2011. Hosted by Joe Dimino and Engineered by John Christoper in Kansas City, Missouri giving listeners a journey into one of America's finest inventions. Take a listen on KCXL (102.9 FM / 1140 AM) out of Liberty, MO on Saturday Mornings from 7:00 - 9:00 a.m. and Sunday Mornings from 6:00 – 7:00 a.m. Listen to KCXL on Tunein Radio at http://tunein.com/radio/Neon-Jazz-With-Joe-Dimino-p381685/. For all things Neon Jazz, visit http://theneonjazz.blogspot.com/
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