Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Doctor, Author, Entrepreneur, Dancer and Mom Momoko Uno

Welcome to a new edition of the Famous Interviews with Joe Dimino series .. On this episode, we talk with Doctor, Author, Entrepreneur, Dancer and Mom Momoko Uno .. She is a doctor of integrative medicine, certified functional medicine practitioner, licensed acupuncturist, board certified herbalist and has a masters in spiritual psychology with an emphasis in consciousness, health and healing. She has published two books and is the owner and founder of Omni Wellness. She came to the US with borrowed money and whatever she could carry in two suitcases in 1997 shortly after graduating from medical school. She wrote her first book after she almost died during a two-week solitary confinement in Australian quarantine when her mother passed away. We cover her fascinating ride. Buckle up.

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