Welcome to a new edition of the Neon Jazz interview series with Kansas City Jazz Drummer Jerry Pollock .. He is a key piece of the Waldo Jazz Collective that performs each Monday night at the Piano Room off 84th and Wonall .. He started his professional carrer at 14 and over the years he has played all styles of music with symphonic orchestras, jazz bands and ensembles, and theater pit bands. He was strongly influenced by the Big Band legacy – He’s been in St. Louis, Chicago and parts in between before calling KC home ..along with the music, he is the Business Manager for the Leslie Maclean Trio -
Click here to listen to the interview.
Neon Jazz is a radio program airing since 2011. Hosted by Joe Dimino and Engineered by John Christopher in Kansas City, Missouri giving listeners a journey into one of America's finest inventions. Take a listen on KCXL (102.9 FM / 1140 AM) out of Liberty, MO on Saturday at 8:00 a.m. Listen to KCXL on Tunein Radio at
http://tunein.com/radio/Neon-Jazz-With-Joe-Dimino-p381685/. For all things Neon Jazz, visit
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