Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Brand Agency Founder & Emerging Market Expert Nicholas Kuhne

Welcome to a new edition of the Famous Interviews with Joe Dimino series .. On this episode, we talk with Brand agency founder & Emerging Market Expert Nicholas Kuhne .. He is brand strategy and digital marketing specialist with a focus on building emerging brands. He has worked with the best global brands (Unilever, McDonalds, Pepsico, Coca-Cola) and worked at the best companies (Interbrand, MTV, Comedy Central, TBWA). He has spent the majority of his career working in emerging markets in less than ideal environments, but still made great things happen. He has started a data science startup in Malaysia, and as a thought leader in branding he has a podcast "From Startup To Wunderbrand". From his base in Oslo, Sweden, we get into it all.

More on Nicholas - https://kuhne.no/

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