Monday, August 12, 2024

Serial Entrepreneur & CEO of Fiddlehead Melinda Byerley

Welcome to a new edition of the Famous Interviews with Joe Dimino series .. On this episode, we talk with Serial Entrepreneur & CEO of Fiddlehead Melinda Byerley .. She is the leader of a seven figure consultancy she founded virtually from her San Francisco home in 2014. Melinda is a pioneer of growth marketing in Silicon Valley, where she’s held B2B and B2C marketing and e-commerce leadership roles at companies such as PlantSense (sold to Parrot), Linden Lab/Second Life, eBay, PayPal, and Checkpoint Software. Melinda’s professional specialties are marketing analytics and a holistic approach to customer centered marketing. From her base in San Jose, we cover some solid ground. Enjoy.

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